Olivia Palermo: Street Style

Today more and more bloggers and fashion magazines are paying attention to the phenomenon of style it-girl Olivia Palermo.

The phenomenon can be called because of the simultaneous combination of the usual things that are more than adapted to life with brands mass – market and the classic color schemes.

Olivia Palermo can not be called the pioneer in the field of style and fashion, but certainly its image in 99% perfect. In keeping with current trends, it follows fashion, not trying to create something new.

Despite the simplicity of this “modern classics”, it – a girl always falls into the “apple”, looks stylish and immaculate. Olivia Palermo street style does not create trends, it emphasizes their flawless.

You can never take too much care over the choice of your shoes. Too many women think that they are unimportant, but the real proof of an elegant woman is what is on her feet. – Christian Dior Click To Tweet
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Features of Olivia Palermo Fashion

Love for jackets and blazers

Olivia feeds unending love for the multilayered images, completing their bright or black jacket. Choosing different prints, colors, and textures, it blends harmoniously with them in the stylistic ensemble.

Images with jackets and coats Olivia skillfully combines with various trousers, pants, shorts, and jeans.

You can see in the photo that Olivia chooses a completely different cut from the short jacket in the style of the classic Chanel and options to double-breasted jackets direct style ’80s.

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Style is a simple way of saying complicated things. – Jean Cocteau Click To Tweet
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Leopard print

Olivia Palermo is often possible to meet with the “leopard” accessory. Shoes, sunglasses, belts, and bags fit perfectly and complement the basic look.

You’ll never see Olivia, dressed in a “leopard” from head to toe, its maximum – that’s one thing harmoniously with others.

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Quite often, Olivia creates his images with clothing in military-style. She loves to wear parks, coats, and another clothing khaki.

But with all this, it never changes femininity. Shoes “heels”, and other items of clothing from the more feminine materials are always accompanied in the preparation of the image.

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Shoe Oxfords rightfully occupy a leading position in the list of the most comfortable shoes for the city. They’re impossible not to love!

Olivia Palermo often sets them, preferring Oxford’s silver and black colors, combining them with skirts, trousers, and shorts.

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Print – mix

Olivia sometimes mixes different prints, usually carrying one form of no more than two. This is quite a bold version, which only dares a real fashionista.

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In an interview, Palermo replied to the question of how exactly it chooses outfits themselves, and what is her personal style theory.

The answer was quite simple, “The main thing – to start small, with a single accessory or part, and the rest will develop the inner intuition and inspiration. Always listen to your mood and desires.

More outfits from Olivia Palermo:

Olivia Palermo in a long emerald green coat. Image is extraordinary and unusual.

Olivia in long emerald green coatPin

Olivia Palermo in a light blue pencil skirt and the black shirt looks sexy and stylish.

Olivia in light blue pencil skirtPin

Olivia Palermo in a gray long vest with red handbag: it is stylish and strictly.

Olivia in gray long vestPin

Olivia Palermo in gingham skater dress with open decollete looks courage and unusually.

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Olivia Palermo in black and beige sneakers and gray coat: it is an ideal image for city ​​walks.

Olivia in black and beige sneakersPin

Olivia Palermo in a beige trench coat and coral shirt: it is a perfect image for a romantic date.

Olivia Palermo in beige trench coatPin

Olivia Palermo in black pants with yellow stripes. The outfit is perfect for a holiday.

Olivia Palermo in black pants with yellow stripesPin

Olivia Palermo in utility jacket and khaki jeans. Romantic and cute image.

Olivia Palermo in utility jacketPin

Olivia Palermo in a terracotta sweater and Bordeaux skinnies shows us how easy it is to combine incongruous if you have an impeccable sense of style.

Olivia Palermo in terracota sweaterPin

Olivia Palermo in a light burgundy cardigan and ripped skinnies: it is an ideal image for city ​​walks.

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Olivia Palermo in a printed poncho and over-the-knee boots look sexy and unusually.

Olivia Palermo in printed ponchoPin

Olivia Palermo in marsala maxi pleated dress: it is a cute and romantic image.

Olivia Palermo in marsala dressPin
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Emily Wilson

Author: Emily Wilson

Hey! I’m Emily, passionate about daily fashion and quality, exploring the world of everyday dressing, best color combinations, and sharing tips along the way. I am happy to share with you daily inspiration from fashion and beauty to lifestyle, and I hope all of the info you find in my fashion blog will help you to create your amazing look in a simple way.

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