11 Things You Never Knew About Hipster Fashion. Your Hipster Style Guide

Hipsters are known for their quirky fashion sense. They wear vintage clothing, thrift store finds, and anything else that is different from the mainstream style.

But what about hipster women? What clothes do they wear? We’ve compiled a list of 11 things you never knew about hipster outfits to help you find your own unique style!

How to dress like a hipster style

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  • Cargo pants and a flannel shirt: Cargo pants and plaid shirts are hipster classics. They’re perfect for dressing up or down!
  • Vintage tees: Hipsters love to take vintage t-shirts from the 70s, 80s, or 90s and wear them as is with shorts or cut them up into crop tops. A thrifted tee is your ticket to hipster style!
  • Lumberjack boots: Hipsters love their combat and fisherman boots, but lumberjack boots are one of the most popular styles among hipster girls. You can find these at almost any shoe store like Payless or Target!
  • Hair: Hipsters love to experiment with their hair and try new styles. They’re not afraid of color or piercings, either! You can find some hipster haircut inspiration here.
  • Hat: A hat is the perfect accessory for any outfit, but they are especially popular among hipsters because they make a bold fashion statement. Hipsters love to wear hats from thrift stores or ones that have been passed down through the generations!
  • Hipster glasses: Like hipster hair, hipsters love to experiment with their eyewear as well. They’re not afraid of a thick frame and even prefer vintage styles over modern ones!
  • Flannel: It might sound like a style from the 1980s, but flannels are still very much in fashion among hipsters. You’ll see both men and women wearing these!
  • Scarves: Scarves add an extra layer to your outfit while keeping you warm during those cool autumn nights. Hipster girls love them because they’re a fun way to accessorize and add some color to an outfit.
  • All black everything: For hipsters, all black is the new black! They love pairing dark colors together for their outfits, especially when it comes to tops and bottoms. You can dress this up or down depending on where you want to go!
  • Leggings: Hipsters love to wear leggings with tunics or long shirts, either by itself or as a layering piece. You can find some cute hipster outfit ideas here!
  • Doc Martens: Docs are another classic shoe choice for hipsters and have been popular since the 90s. Hipsters love to wear them with jeans, dresses, skirts… you name it!
  • Sneakers: Hipster girls love wearing sneakers because they’re comfortable and easy to match. You can never go wrong with a pair of Converse or Vans!
  • Boots: Boots are hipster girls’ favorite footwear because they can be worn with almost any outfit. They love combat, fisherman, and riding boots best!
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How do I dress like a true hipster girl?

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  • Wear vintage clothing: Hipsters love to wear items from the thrift store because they’re unique and different. Plus, you can find some really cool pieces that way!
  • Don’t be afraid of color or prints: Just like hipster men, there are no rules when it comes to what hipster women can and cannot wear. They love to mix and match patterns and colors, so don’t be afraid to stand out!
  • Accessorize: Hipsters love to accessorize! A scarf, belt or bag can make even the simplest outfit look hipster chic.
  • Live in leggings and tights: Leggings are one of the most important items a hipster girl should have in her closet because they go with everything. They come in so many different colors and prints, you’ll never run out of options when it comes to what leggings to wear with your outfit.
  • Hair: According to hipster fashion trends, the hair is everything! Hipsters love messy buns or funky hairstyles that look like you just rolled out of bed.
  • Shoes: Just like hair, hipsters love to show off their shoes. Chunky platform boots or sneakers that look vintage are a must have in every hipster girl’s closet.
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As you can see there is lots of information out there about what it means to be a true hipster woman! Keep these things in mind when you are shopping for clothes, accessories or beauty products. Click To Tweet
  • Wear vintage clothing: Hipsters love to wear items from the thrift store because they’re unique and different. Plus, you can find some really cool pieces that way!
  • Don’t be afraid of color or prints: Just like hipster men, there are no rules when it comes to what hipster women can and cannot wear. They love to mix and match patterns and colors, so don’t be afraid to stand out!
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Casual hipster outfits

Casual hipster outfits are best when you are at work, home or attending a casual gathering. Hipster clothing items to wear in the fall include short boots and cardigans.

Cute hipster outfits can be worn with combat style boots that have cute laces up the sides of the boot shafts, or go for black leather knee-high boots instead.

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Hipster wear ideas are plentiful. You can go for a hipster dress that has rips in the bottom hem, or buy one with frayed hems and cuffs on the shirt sleeves.

You should always be trendy when you are wearing popular clothing items like skinny jeans, plain t-shirts, patterned scarves and vintage-look handbags.

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Hipster fashion is trendy and hip, but it does not have to be expensive or complicated. You can buy your clothes online from stores that sell vintage style clothing items at discounted prices because they are discontinued styles.

Hispter Street Style

People love hipster outfits because of the casual laid-back style that comes with them.

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Hipsters are not afraid to wear things like ripped jeans, bright colors and graphic T-shirts, that’s why they make great street fashion ideas.

Hipster Fashion Trends

Some of the hipster fashion trends that you can incorporate into your look include skinny jeans, graphic tees and vintage clothing.

Men’s style is all about urban clothes with a touch of grunge (think plaid pants, flannel shirts and Converse shoes).

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Women’s style has aspects from both men’s and women’s fashion, but it can be hard to figure out.

The hipster girl look is not about the clothes themselves–it’s more about how you put them together.

Hipster Fashion Trends for Women

Some of the most popular hipster fashion ideas are vintage-inspired items like flowy dresses with thigh high boots.

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Jeans, graphic tees and accessories like scarves are also some of the most hipster fashion trends that women can wear.

The best thing about this look is how easy it is to put together some people say you don’t even need a lot of money!

Hipster Fashion Trends for Men

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Men’s hipster fashion trends are often based on urban styles from years past.

If you want to look hipster, then a pair of plaid pants and a graphic tee is the way to go.

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Hipsters usually wear their hair short with side parts or combed back it’s all about looking casual!

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Hipster Party Outfit Ideas

Hipster Party are always inspiring, hipster fashion style is unique and fun. I’m sure that this blog post will help you to find some great ideas on how to dress like a hipster girl for your next event or party!

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  • Hipsters usually wear skinny jeans, plaid shirts, bow ties, suspenders, fedora hats
  • For hipster girls outfits, it is also popular to wear flannel shirts, vintage style dresses, gingham prints and high-waisted shorts
  • For a hipster party or event outfit, try wearing plaid shirt dress, ripped jeans with suspenders
  • Try an unique combination of bow tie blouse with red trousers for your hipster party outfit
  • If you want to be a hipster fashion girl, then try wearing flannel shirt dress with an oversized bow cardigan and high top sneakers. It is also advisable to add some accessories such as glasses or lipstick
  • For your hipster style, wear plaid shirts with jeans shorts, red combat boots or loafers. Add some vintage accessories such as glasses or a scarf.


Each person has their own unique sense of style. If you want to stand out from the crowd, explore new trends and experiment with your wardrobe to find what suits you best! It’s never too late to try something new.

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Emily Wilson

Author: Emily Wilson

Hey! I’m Emily, passionate about daily fashion and quality, exploring the world of everyday dressing, best color combinations, and sharing tips along the way. I am happy to share with you daily inspiration from fashion and beauty to lifestyle, and I hope all of the info you find in my fashion blog will help you to create your amazing look in a simple way.

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